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British treasure hunter discovers hoard of 52,500 Roman coins

Posted by Frater Anselmo on Sunday, July 18, 2010, In : Treasure 
To all my brothers of the Rosy Cross who are searching for fortune and the elusive buried treasures of the fabled past, I offer the following good news, which should encourage and embolden you even more to never give up the quest for riches.

On July 8, the Associated Press carried an article announcing that a fortune seeker in Britain had uncovered a hoard of 52,500 Roman coins, valued at 3.3 million pounds or about 5 million US dollars.

Using a metal detector, Dave Crisp had uncovered the trea...
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Frater Anselmo For those who do not already know me, I am Frater Anselmo, Secretary-General of The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. I answer most of the emails and handle the correspondence in addition to other duties. Frater Cyprian has graciously allowed me to add this feature to our website to provide timely wisdom and spiritual encouragement to the Brotherhood and its many friends. I will consider and try to answer any questions or issues submitted to me via email or letter that may be of interest to our readers. I encourage my fellow fraters and sorors of the R.C. to submit their own posts. Send to my attention and be sure to mention possible inclusion in "Frater Anselmo's Blog." May these words be seasoned with wisdom and bless everyone who reads them.

Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross

The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross continues the traditions and  teachings of the original Rosicrucian Brotherhood and the Knights Templar.  It is a fraternity of the ancient mysteries; a brotherhood of fortune, romance and adventure.

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