Rosicrucian Fraternity of the Rose Cross

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross is a living branch of the original fraternity of German Pietist-Theosophists or true Rosicrucians; a brotherhood and sisterhood of Christ and the blessed Sophia of holy wisdom and mystical illumination; alchemists and adepts of hermetic knowledge, religious, and spiritual truth.

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Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul
Each choosing each through all the weary hours
And meeting strangely at one sudden goal.
Then blend they, like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole;
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day.

Edwin Arnold


The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross has never aspired to become large or worldly or appeal to the masses.  Bigger is not necessarily better, and quality of membership is preferred over quantity.  We are and desire to remain an elite company of inspired and devoted men and women.

The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross is not an organization that one joins; it is a brotherhood that one is admitted to.

This does not mean that we do not seek new or welcome new members.  It is simply our hope that if you decide to seek admission into our  brotherhood, that your decision is guided by much prayer, meditation and soul-searching.

Membership in the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross is an honor and a privilege.  The path to full membership lasts a minimum of 3 years and is granted only after much study and preparation.

A Way of Life

The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross is a fraternity where you can share communion with other like-minded souls.  It is a treasure house of wisdom teachings that can give you the knowledge to attain to enlightenment, health and prosperity.  The Rosicrucian Brotherhood is blessed with good teachers who can not only impart the teachings but advance you spiritually on the Way.

The Brotherhood is not engaged in the business of selling mail-order memberships that consist solely of correspondence courses of metaphysical lessons.  The teaching has always been communicated personally from teacher to student.  Each student is regarded as an individual and treated as such

We call ourselves Brothers and Sisters not as mere titles but as something real that we feel in our hearts.  Becoming a genuine Rosicrucian involves far more than simply filling out an application and paying dues.  It is a way of life and living what many people only read and dream about.

We Invite You to Inquire Further

If you find yourself inspired and drawn to join the Brotherhood, please feel free to contact us via email.

Please tell us about yourself, your spiritual beliefs, experience with the esoteric and paranormal, your previous studies and why you want to join the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross.

Be sure to include all necessary contact information: Please print your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, date of birth and sex, with preferences about contacting you.  A recent picture of yourself would be helpful but not necessary.

With common accord, the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross welcomes you with open arms and a sincere hope that you will at last find in our Brotherhood that which you have been seeking.  We look forward to hearing from you and may God bless you richly upon your journey through life.

The Brothers and Sisters of the

Rosy Cross

© Copyright 2009-2024 by The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross